Juan O Savin Twitter

What is he saying that is likely the clue to the coming Great Tribulation, and not to the 1000 years of a golden age for the world that he expects?

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. JUAN O SAVIN @ WAR GAMES @ COUNTDOWN BEGINS @ THE EVENT COMING @ (PART 3). Is Juan O Savin Wrong? Date: April 5, 2021 Author: andthentheendshallcome JERRY PARKS 0 Comments What is he saying that is likely the clue to the coming Great Tribulation, and not to the 1000 years of a golden age for the world that he expects? Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact. Last night, General Michael Flynn joined John Michael Chambers and James Grundvig on American Media Periscope to say that the truth always comes out and that the current.

In this attached 16 min clip Juan tells us that our window of opportunity for the military to act to save our constitutional freedoms is not going to last much longer. He tells us that God will not allow our demise. He says, what we all want to hear, that God’s justice against evil will come, and America and the world will be saved.


What Juan has in his words told us, is that he does not believe in prophetic scripture as do the pre-millennialist’s believe it. His prophetic belief in scripture is different, and it drives what he sees coming, just as mine does what I see, and yours does your sight.

Jesus does not tell us in His explanation of Prophetic events that A golden age will proceed the Tribulation, but just the opposite. Tribulation when it comes will come quickly upon one generation. It will involve an evil Antichrist system. It will involve a mark of this evil beast like system. It will involve demand for Allegiance to this anti-God, Antichrist system which is Luciferian in its pronouncements and laws. It will involve government control over ones ability to buy or sell.* It is exactly what we are seeing making entrance onto the world stage of this earths politic. It will only be stopped by the coming of Christ in His return to earth to personally rule. Juan is post millennial in his theology. Possibly one half of Christian scholars teach prophecy to transpire in this golden age to precede Christ’s return.

But as you listen to this message by Juan, he is honest in his warning that if we do not succeed we go into darkness. But thankfully it is not into a thousand years of darkness as he states, but a period Approximately seven years in duration, before Christ will break the eastern sky. This darkness is now being revealed to us. It is real, it will not succeed in the end, but it will come, and with it the purging and refining of God’s people. With it the salvation of Israel. Jesus says: he that endures unto the end shall be saved. Endure with Him until the end of either your life or until the end of this age. Your blessed hope is in the coming resurrection of all who die in Christ, followed by the Rapture of those alive at His coming.

*Entrance into stores and restaurants where there is buying and selling is right now being proposed to be linked to whether or not one receives the vaccine. As things progress this linkage by this beast like government will be to all of your unwanted activities. Right now they know who you are, and if you are for them or against them. Do not let them destroy your faith.

JuanJuan O Savin Twitter


I listened to all three sections of the new Juan O Savin interview, and frankly, to me he feels both exhausted and discouraged. Especially by just how profound and widespread is the socialist/communist infiltration that, with the onrushing Bidan admin, is now is surfacing big time in all ways, bringing back everything that Trump managed, despite extraordinary opposition throughout his four years, to take down or at least slow down. Since the “inauguration” on January 20th, Globalism is again on the march, of course utilizing the fake Covid scam, with its tests, vaccines, and fake statistics, to instill the frequency of fear so powerfully that most gullible humans will, in the end, go down willingly into slavery and/or genocide. Juan discusses all this, and speaks of how we cannot, as a nation, go on to another election without exposing the corruption in the last one.

He is especially concerned about all the hot spots in the world right now, including Ukraine, Russia and Iran (and of course, Israel) — with the ever-present but usually ignored nuclear threat in the background. Plus of course, China, the CCP. He points out how Ukraine and Iran are connected: those famous pallets of cash Obama sent to Iran, he says, were laundered, first through Ukraine, and then Italy, before being distributed to campaign funds of deep state globalist puppets running for office worldwide, at all levels of government.

I admit, I had trouble sleeping after listening to all three of these videos. In fact, barely slept at all.

And then, interesting contrast: today, I listened to Mike Adams latest update.

I usually don’t pay much attention to his updates, since he seems so pessimistic most of the time. Who needs that?


But today! He’s pumped up into optimism by his extraordinary experience at the weekend Tulsa event, where 5000 awakened, maskless souls, many of them famous in the alternative media, met each other in person, traded info, and ignited an even more powerful cooperative AQUARIAN ACTIVATION than had been first started by Juan O Savin, in his Las Vegas event, which also brought many people together, all inspired by Juan, who now seems to sit dejected, off to the side!

(Or does he?)

In any case, there appears to be a strange contrast between him then and now, and how even so, others are taking up the flag and marching on, gathering bigger and bigger audiences as they go. I posted Lin Woods talk yesterday. Mike Adams says they will post all the others at one of his Brighteon sites.

So. Aquarian Activation 2: from 400 people to 5000. What will it be next time? Mike says the organizer plans to take his rousing “American Revival” to other cities.

And, wouldn’t you know, today happens to be the 246th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington, and the shot that was heard around the world. This is another event that Juan discusses, in his usual spell-binding storytelling style, but then seems to dismiss the coincidence of April 19, 2021 and that date, saying something like “you can always find some kind of historical marker for any date.” As I said, he’s not exactly upbeat. In fact I wonder if his famous — failed — April 1 prediction, has now morphed into cynicism, if not despair.

Juan O Savin Twitter Richard Gibb

But look, Juan, what you started in Las Vegas! It’s epic, if not epochal. And We the People are nowhere near done.